Papercraft Sundial PDF Generator

There is a detailed Instructable for how to use this sundial generator, with lots of photos. This is for a horizontal or "garden" (not analemmatic) sundial. For instructions on making a large analemmatic sundial, go here.

Enter location parameters

You must enter either a zip code or latitude/longitude, and select your timezone and daylight savings option. Required options are in bold.

Zip code: or Latitude: and Longitude:
Time zone:

Daylight savings:
No daylight savings at my location
Put summer time on sundial
Put winter time on sundial


For the following color settings, use numerical HTML color codes, such as "000000" for black, "FFFFFF" for white, "2B60DE" for royal blue.
Dial background:
Hour label background:
Hour text:
Hour lines:
15-minute lines:
North arrow:
Correction table text:
Daylight savings adjustment text:

Source code and references

The source code for this perl script is available here. You need to get and zipcodes.dat, and keep them in the same directory. You will also need the PDF::Create perl package.

I used a formula from here.


The script (not including PDF::Create) is copyright (c) 2011 Alexander R. Pruss, and is available under a two-clause BSD license.. Alexander R. Pruss hereby releases into the public domain any and all copyrightable visual elements in the output. Courtesy suggests, though the law may not require, that credit be given for use of the script when you use its output.